Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Free Spirited Travellers

As G.Flaubert said “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny space you occupy in the world.” This is how a traveler feels when (s)he explores the world around them. They feel like they are rediscovering America with Amerigo Vespucci or they seek for inner peace in the jungles of India.

They aren’t afraid to try new things, they communicate with locals, try new tastes, learn new customs. They are the ones who feel ok or at least do their max to feel ok outside their comfort zone.
Some common features of free spirited travelers:

      1)   They don’t feel intimidated to travel alone.

Traveling is an adventure for them it’s more than spending good time with old friends since they are confident enough to meet new ones on the way. In fact most of them in fact prefer to travel alone in order to feel free instead of being dependant in a group. They prefer to be decision makers during their trips.

      2)   They are not afraid to find themselves and what they want from life.

When you are away from home in a land where you don’t know anyone and don’t recognise any place you have more chance to listen to yourself. In fact it’s a great opportunity to meet with yourself. Listening to yourself, your desires, your needs, your expectations from life and trying to find ways to achieve them.

      3)   They are flexible.

They are like chameleons. They can adapt to changes immediately since they have an appetite to explore. They don’t mind having a delay in their flights as long as they reach the destination, they are cool eating an insect if that’s the local food or change their plans due to the weather conditions.

      4)   Even though they do their research in advance they often act spontaneously.

You never know what life can bring at your plate right? In case of traveling this rate skyrockets! You can meet with new people and decide to hang with them or you may fall in love with one place and decide to stay there longer…

     5)   Travel is about meeting new cultures so they don’t mind staying in hostels or couchsurfing.

Generally the aim is to see a lot of places with a little budget. In this case staying in hostels or couchsurfing isn’t just an economical choice but also a great opportunity to meet new people!

     6)   They have a positive attitude towards life.

Maybe because they had more chance to seek for inner peace or they witnessed unfortunate lives in the countries that they have visited, they tend to see the bright side of everything.

      7)   They are self-confident.

Since most of the time they are alone during their travels they are generally calm and solution oriented.